Saturday Mornings
10:AM Shachrit/Morning services
11:AM Torah Reading or Torah class
12:PM Kiddush Luncheon

  • Prayer and insights
  • Spirited sing-a-long services
  • No background, memberships, or affiliation necessary 
  • Great for "beginners"!
  • Transliterated/translated prayer books

Our Shabbat Kiddush buffet luncheon is a great opportunity to partake in traditional Shabbat cuisine, share your news of the week, and enjoy the warmth and companionship of the community.

Stories, insights on the Parsha and l'chaims create a environment that is both enjoyable and uplifting.

All are welcome to join! No previous background or experience necessary! Bring your family & friends.

To sponsor a kiddush in memory of a loved one, in honor of a birthday or anniversary, yahrtziet or special occasion, please email the rabbi at [email protected] or call 720-984-5805

Sponsorship options:  
Traditional Kiddush $150 Deluxe Kiddush $200
Challah, salads, gefilte fish and more! Includes lox/smoked fish or deli platters